Monday, December 14, 2009

Is it Still Called Cheating When it's Ghost Sex?

I had a question posed to me in light of the Tiger Woods scandal and I am going to pose it to you.
Many believe it is cheating when a man or women has sex with another person when they are married or in a committed relationship. I say many because I have also know of couple that have open relationships where they do have sex with someone else outside their relationship. It’s ok cause both partners except this as part the open relationship.
We here in the paranormal biz have known about Ghost sex for a long long time. Not many are willing to talk about it, but I am and have on many interviews and shows I have done.
My question to you is do you consider it cheating when you have sex outside of a committed relationship with a ghost, spirit, entity or a demon? As you know at times you and the spirits can become mega attached to each other. I’d love to hear your take on this fascinating subject.
I’ve included my website link. So you can get to know me better.
Love ya,

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


At first I thought it was my imagination. Then I thought hey it’s got to be only me seeing this stuff. But now I realize I am not the only one that has witnessed the immature infighting in the paranormal industry. I don’t understand what they are fighting about. This group doesn’t like that group and that group thinks the other group does a bad job and fakes their evidence. All the while tearing each other down for some odd reason instead of supporting and helping each other in an effort to conquer the unknown.
Someone out there please enlighten me as to why this is so?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Why is ghost hunting a male dominated field?

I am curious to know why ghost hunting is a male dominated field. I am a ghost huntress and am trying to present my unique way of ghost hunting to the public. I hunt for ghost alone not in groups. I go into dangerous area that grown men or camera crews would never venture into. I am not afraid of a thing in the paranormal world...only the living. Women love my look and courage. Men write to me and want to take me to bed and then I get the nasty comments from men telling me to stay home a bake cookies. I thought sexist views went out with the fifties.
Love to hear your thoughts on this subject.
lovey a,

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