Sunday, October 24, 2010

Ghost Hunting Courses. What should they really teach?

Many have asked me my thoughts on ghost hunting courses.  
I believe the proper use of ghost hunting equipment is paramount. It can and must be taught. Just like a doctor, dentist, electrician, plumber & auto mechanic they need how to operate the tools of their trade. Ghost hunting equipment is ever changing in this industry and so it is in the medical field to auto mechanics. After you cull your information / evidence you need to be able to discern it  At this point I also believe you cannot teach this, but only offer advice based on experience of all the variables of the paranormal in helping someone discerning their evidence. Evidence discerning / interpretation is subjective and speculative and up for interpretation by the individual who culled it. People have said there is not a right or wrong in ghost hunting. That may appear to be true to some, but ask yourself this. Would you trust a heart surgeon who was not trained in using his newly purchased equipment to operate on you? Learn to use your tools correctly!
Final Thought: I believe one can NOT certify a ghost hunting course, but you can give out a certificate upon completion of a course when its based on proper usage of ghost hunting tools as long as it's a simple certificate and not a certifications. Like I've said tools and usage are paramount in any field and they often come with come with certificates upon completion of the course.
A certificate and a certification are two different things. If you do not know the difference please follow the link for a full explanation. click here
I also believe the discernment of ghost hunting evidence, inner body feeling are subjective and speculative and can Not be certified because of all the variables that the field of the paranormal presents.
I'd love your input on this subject.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

High Tech. Equipment vs. Oldies but Goodies

I've seen all the popular and some not so popular ghost investigation shows on TV and the internet. To me the reliance on High Tech equipment to see if there is a ghost present is a bit on the overkill side.
I'm of the school where if I can't see it or hear it or if it doesn't touch me or throw something at me it doesn't exist. If you have to squint to see a ghost in a picture or video or tweak audio to the point where you can hear it, then that's not good enough for me. What ever happened to the days before electricity? What did they use to find a ghost? Hey people long ago knew ghosts existed and never had high tech stuff to confirm a ghostly presence. What they used were dowsing rods, candles, pendulums, powers, teas, table tipping, a persons body ect...
I'd like to hear back on your take of all the high tech stuff. Is it necessary or should we start getting back to the basics.