Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Question posed to me by Lady V. about paranormal men and women.

Q: What advice do you have for women in the field who have no desire to be eye candy or have to stand two steps behind a man to have people even consider them as valuable contributors?

My advice to women is to be true to yourself.
     Never focus on what other women look like or do for attention. Just focus on your research, work and integrity . God made us women in all sizes and shapes. We are the blessed that way. If your work is valid and correct you will get the recognition you desire, but you have to work harder and longer than a man to do so. Paranormal investigations are mainly a male dominated world. We girls have got to try and work harder. This is the same in every walk of life. Women in business, to this day, don't' get equal pay as their male counter parts do, but I will also say we are our own worse enemies by degrading each other for our looks or personalities.
     I am not afraid to work hard. I am not afraid to help others succeed. We women need to stick together as a united front. And only then will we be two step ahead.

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1 comment:

Lady V said...

CC ~ You hit the proverbial nail on the head when you said we women need to work together.
Thank you for taking the time to not only talk to me about this, but to share it with others.